Saturday, May 3, 2008

Life on Rendfeld Mountain.....

The official K-Mart edition of the family picture can be yours! but for now, here's the blurry, picture of a picture copy.


Nancy said...

Jamie...You have a beautiful family. I've been enjoying all your pictures. Keep em coming.Maybe someday soon we'll be in Elkhart at the same time. Or....You could bring your family on a trip out west?? Enjo your kiddies, they grow up to fast.

Mom said...

Looks like a very happy family and pretty darn handsome,too.
Take time to enjoy the many fun times you may all enjoy together. Nancy is so right, that time goes fast...... just ask your uncle Jerry who has only 1 left at home. "Empty Nest" can get somewhat boring!
The picture is lovely and I would like one!!~ Grama

happyjack said...

you'll get one....... gotta take care of that quickly.