Tuesday, May 12, 2009

St. Joe High School Prom 2009

Prom was on Friday and I just thought I should share some pics :)


Lee said...

Ohhhh! Nikki looks beautiful! I love the dress! I miss you guys!

Mom said...

Nikki,your dress is lovely and you are lovely too. Egor will have some wonderful memories when he goes back to Brazil. And so many pictures to show his friends and family. So glad you all had such a fun time.

Nancy said...

NIkki and Egor you look gorgoius!! I know you had lots of fun! Did yo take a limo again??

Andrew said...

You're gorgeous Nik, love you dear and that boy better not have tried to smack a kiss on you, or I will have to see if he is hungry for a little knuckle sandwich.