This picture is a few years old, but this is where I will be all Summer.
I will be working at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp this summer, and am super excited about it. I am sure that it will be a great summer. I am finishing up school and then my mom will be out here Sunday to drive back to Montana with me next Thursday after I finish my finals. I also have wonderful plans for the fall, I am going to be a resident assistant on campus and I am also involved with the planning of New Student Orientation for the fall. Saying that my spring has been very busy and I expect the fall to be as well. Can't wait to here what others are doing for the summer. Thanks Andrew for posting your summer plans and getting us all motivated to share. Love to all.
--Katie M.
Katie sweetie, Looks like you have your plate pretty full and I am sure you can handle it with precision. Grampa and I know that camp and loved it when we visited it For The Passion play when Alex was there. We froze our little Butts off sleeping under the stars(in a cabin with no blankets.) One wonderful time. You should be well rid of any mind provoking problems by the time school starts in the fall. You can always go to the lake and appreciate the restful beauty God has created there.
Good luck in all the endeavors you have undertaken.
Grama E
Well Katie girl, busy as you are I am glad that you still want your old MOM to take a road trip with you. I'm looking forward to seeing you. 3 Days!
Looking forward to having you closer....Can't wait.
How exciting! Only wish I could come too!
love the pics katie.....have a wonderful summer !!
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