Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer in Montana!

Well Andrew I was waiting for some of the young folks to place there plans for the summer on here, as I'm sure that's what you were looking for. I guess you'll just have to settle for "Old aunt Nans" summer plans. I have a very busy summer planned. First I am coming to Indiana to see all of my family and attend your sister's wedding. Albert is coming with me and I am looking forward to showing him around the area as he has never really tour Indiana & lower Michigan. He has never seen an Amish buggy if you can believe that. Then shortly after we get back to Montana we are hosting 4 camp counselors who are coming to do a bible camp at our church. Then for the WHOLE month of July I am putting my camper at a lake just 10 miles from Glacier Park. Hopefully most of our kids will be able to join us their during the month. Albert and Patrick will join me every weekend. In August I am being blessed with visits from two of my little sisters. Terri will be here for a visit followed by Mary Jo. I am really looking forward to that, I love having people come and visit. Then Later in August we will move Patrick back to Butte for his second year of school. He will be living in a big old house with 4 other guys. Should be fun! Then about a week later I will drive back to Sioux Falls with Katie and get her settled in. I will fly home with a stop over in Minneapolis to visit Alex. Shoot after writing this I feel like my whole summer is already gone. Enjoy! See you Soon!