Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Week

I got about 6 inches cut off on Tuesday

This is a picture of my campus covered in snow

I had a very fun and full week, I got my haircut, took a field trip to the Harley Davidson Dealership, and winter once again took hold of South Dakota. It had been so incredibly nice the beginning of the week that I thought for sure that spring was here, I was wrong, yesterday it was all of 10 degrees. I am so ready to get rid of this snow and for spring to arrive. 


Nancy said...

Wow you really did get your hair chopped off. It is really cute. Shorter then I thought it was going to be. I am ready for spring too. I don't min the snow I just don't want any more days below zero.

Lee said...

Cute hair! I don't know how you guys can stand the snow all the time. Can't imagine walking around campus in the snow. Yuck!