Wednesday, September 26, 2007

how do you post pictures? i have them on my computer, but can't figure it out....HELP!


Susie said...

I talked to Nancy, filled out a profile and i still dont show up as a user. I need help too! It's funny I can get around myspace and facebook but I stupid on this thingy.

Mom said...

don't feel bad,susie. i am having trouble too. i do not have anything at the top of my page that says custimize,dashboard....but i did the morning. where did it go to carla?

Lee said...

Mom..(patti) are you #3?

Lee said...

The customize is on the main page.

patti said...

#1 to you leelee....yes im you honey!

Nancy said...

patti to post a picture go to the top of the page and choose new post.there is spot there to title your post and write a message. Then at the top of where you would write a message there is a row of icons. click on the little picture and it will let you browse for a picture and attach it. Call me if you need help

okiefromsturgis said...

Lee- I'm #1 though!

Lee said...

Okay Jamie...don't you have to go feed the cows or something.

Happy Jack said...

don't talk about my exwife that way.......

Happy Jack said...

once again, i have NONE of those options.... if anyone (hello Carla) can edit this for me, Brad's year of birth was 2000, Jack's 1997, Rachel's 1992, Terri's (gasp!) 1969, and mine 1971