Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Seabolts Boys

I just returned from spending some time in Tennessee with Sally. Dani & the boys. Please continue to keep them in your prayers, it will be a long healing process for them. These pictures are from Patti & Carla's cell phones. Great little guys, all three of them!!


Lee said...

That little baby is so precious! Can't wait to meet him! He looks like a little man! His big brothers look like they are a great help! LOL!

Mom said...

What beauty in youth!! Baby Adler looks like Mama Dani and Ashton looks like Uncle Nathan.Can't see Aydan too good but I can tell he is another handsome young man! Hope to see them someday when we all can crash in Florida for Christmas!!! ???
GG Eakle

Carla said...

aaww...such sweet boys...and we are enjoying baby Adler...we are working on the little ol man actually looks exactly like dani as a baby...unbelievable....and he's such a good baby...and will be a very special nephew to many of us.

Nancy said...

I agree we have all bonded with Dani's boys. Right Patti?? Special boys indeed!!