Friday, August 28, 2009


We recently had an experience with Robert & Patti on their "neat" boat.What fun to be able to venture the beautiful ride on the Michigan lakes,in this case to include Spring Lake. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed the company of ,not only "our kids",but their friends Clay and Karen. We laffed alot and ate too much. Patti was able to capture this most flattering picture of me with the panorama of St.Lazare's Retreat House in the background ........... a very special place I have visited for some 50 yrs. It was kind of special for me to view it from the lake side instead of looking at the lake and boats from the Retreat House. Once we accomplished the task of boarding the vessel (with the help of others to keep our balance) we became true Sailors!

Thanks,Robert & Patti


Lee said...

Yeah! Wish I could have been there to enjoy the time with you all! xoxo