Saturday, November 3, 2007

Guess this Family member

For a limited time we will have a new spot on the Blog, called Guest that family member. This will enable all of you to see what a handsome family we have and what fun we had at Dad's Birthday. Here's the first one.


Carla said...

My little "eddie monster" nancy go proof read this whole

Mom said...

I'll be darned!I would have guessed my Uncle Olaf!

Nancy said...

I only proof read Humanities papers! Sorry.

patti said...

actually... upon close examination....with that mustache...alex, you kind of look like me! love you sweetheart! come to chicago for THANKSGIVING! we would love to have you here!

Mom said...

Better yet,come to Elkhart for Thanksgiving where the fun begins and can stay at Grama and Grampas,or anywhere else in the area.You can pick and choose!

Julie said...

He looks so different than I remember! I'll always remember him yelling "sprinkle-a" in gramas backyard when he was a baby...