Monday, October 1, 2007

Won't Get Fooled Again

Yep, 2nd time around seems to be the better. I was never one to practice much, but i'd say the first one was good practice. If i'd only spent 10 years practicing baseball like i did relationship #1, I might have been a better ball player. HA HA


Carla said...

Cute picture....nice little couple

Lee said...

I see you figured out how to post pics....or was it Terry?

Nancy said...

I'm hoping to someday meet your wife. She sounds like in incredible lady.

happyjack said...

Lee- TerrI keeps getting offended by you spelling it like a man (TerrY).... that's why no packages have come Paul's way in awhile.

happyjack said...

you'll meet her someday. she's a good girl. Now, if i can just get some food in the house......

Julie said...

I can see both your chins in that picture jamie!

Lee said...

at least i didn't call her debbie again. sorry terri!

patti said...

you two are such a cute couple! you would make lovely children together! bout a few more little jamie's or terri's running around?...sounds like a plan!

happyjack said...

The key to going out with her in the first place was the tubes were tied.

happyjack said...

someone thought that was Julie with Terri in that picture